Stephen James Harrison


Stephen James HarrisonOn the night of the huge Santa Rosa fires a couple of years ago, Robin, Roy Malan, Susan Freier and I were scheduled to perform up in Gualala. The plan was to arrive a little early to give the room and the piano a try. Some time early that afternoon as we were stephenh

c.1965 Greeley, Colorado – piano competition winners

Photo that accompanied a Greeley Tribune article about a local competition c. 1965. Robin has the article, and I found this unblemished 8×11 in my mom’s archives. Far right – “John” Robin Sutherland, Ellen Tryba Chen (me); seated on left, Val Underwood (who also studied with Rita Hutcherson).

Redstone Castle 2019

Lolly LewisI was so lucky to hear Robin’s last concert in Colorado, at Cleveholm, AKA Redstone Castle, on August 12, 2019. He had been working for several months on a Haydn sonata, and as had so many before him, he was discovering the essential-ness and depth of Haydn’s music. He told me over the course Redstone Castle 2019

Just another Symphony tour…

Lolly LewisThis is from when the Symphony was on tour in Europe and staying at the Amsterdam Hilton, where John Lennon and Yoko Ono famously staged their “Bed-in for Peace” in 1969. Here are Robin and Bill Bennett “bedding-in” with Nancy and Joachim Bechtle. (Thanks to Nancy for the photo!)